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1. Your first priority in bitLabs is to learn. Avoid distractions (talking, mobile phone) that can interfere with other's or your learning.
2. Obey mentor instructions and follow training expectations at all times.
3. Be polite and respectful to everyone, including other learners, mentors, and support staff.
4. Be in the assigned place with appropriate training materials (stationeries, computer, etc.,) to work during all the scheduled sessions.
5. Always be in professional attire in the office premises.
6. Use appropriate language at all times while maintaining friendly and courteous behaviour in the office premises.
7. Do not bully, criticize, show inappropriate gesture/behaviour, or make fun of others at any cost. If you come across any such situation, stop them immediately or report it to your mentor.
8. Create a supportive and encouraging learning environment.
9. Be prompt to ask and answer questions, punctual to all the training sessions, and respectful to the assignment deadlines.
10. Maintain cleanliness in the common areas/workspace that you are provided with in the office premises.
11. Represent yourself in a manner that you will be proud of, in 10 years from now.

You only get one opportunity to get your life right.
So, take advantage of the opportunity that we have for you at bitLabs.